
Heat Exchange Solutions

Ice Banks

When a process demands cooled water, the ideal solution is thermal accumulation as it reduces the initial investment on a refrigerating system and subsequent operation costs, while yielding a highly efficient and reliable performance.

This system is specially recommended for processes involving accumulation periods not lower than 10 hours considering the fast reimbursement terms concerned. 50 different models are available ranging from 105 to 1590 TR/h.

Ice formation is achieved in two different ways: through "external melt" and internal melt". In the external melt: the refrigerant fluid flows inside the tubes producing and accumulating ice on their outer wall. Upon pumping the water accumulated in the storage tank the returning water melts the accumulated ice.

In the internal melt operation, the eutectoid solution kept in the storage tank remains static and melting is achieved by circulating it inside the cooling coil.
Ice Banks
Some examples of applications:
Air conditioning, food, milk industry, etc.

Contact Info

Phone: (+5411) 4750-0734
Fax: (+5411) 4759-2699
